
Monday, August 2, 2010

President's Welcome - August 2010


Welcome to Fiscal Year 2011 (FY11)
! Last week the Executive Council (EC) met for our Annual Summer Planning Meeting to set goals and direction for the upcoming year. It was a very productive meeting where we talked about programming for the year and brainstormed our annual fund development event. I would like to formally introduce you to our new Fund Development chair, and new to the EC, Melissa Kaufmann, as well as the two new Outreach co-chairs Rachel Borchers and Amanda Porter joining the EC. The Professional Development committee will continue under the direction of Katrina Sanders and Jacalyn St. Dennis as will our Scholarship program led by Naomi Brill and Holly Kimball. The SWE Counselors to the Minnesota schools with SWE student sections will persevere on under the advisement of myself, Martha Escobar, Charlene Willenbring, and Melissa Stiegler. We are well represented to voice our opinions to the society with returning Section Representatives Charlene Willenbring and Lindsey Roberts McKenzie who will be joined by Kalyani Mallela who was the Outreach Co-Chair last year.

With the beginning of a new year, it is time to renew your membership so I encourage you to visit member services to stay involved with the activities planned by our new Membership co-chairs Lynn Davenport and Nicole Danielson-Bartelt, also both new to the EC. It is very rewarding to have new members on the EC with fresh ideas. And I still would like to have more people involved in the section, so I invite you to attend our Open House and sign up for the professional development or outreach committee. Even if you can help out with one event to sign people in at a program you are already planning on attending or spending a couple hours volunteering at an outreach event, we would all greatly appreciate the participation. There are other opportunities for personal contributions like judging scholarship applications or writing up speaker bios for the professional development spring seminar. So come to the Open House to check out what is in store for the year and to mark your calendars for all the programming you don’t want to miss.

To stay up to date with the section, you will continue to receive weekly SWE-MN emails from our Secretary Laura Copp and Roz Johnson, the Newsletter editor, is still compiling these now monthly html newsletters along with Senja Lopac, the Webmaster, who manages our website. There is a calendar on our website with the dates of all of the committee activities. Some summer highlights since the last communication include our section submitting ten National Awards packets that we will learn if we won any at the Celebrate SWE! event during the annual SWE National Conference in Orlando the first week of November (registration open at The Section Representatives also applied for nine section or individual awards to be distributed from our Region H leadership. Cassie Svendsen is the current Awards chair you will hear from if interested in submitting for the SWE National and some local individual awards.

Finally, at the summer planning meeting the EC also approved the FY11 budget that the committee led by new Treasurer Melissa Stiegler compiled. Lesley Wyckoff, the Vice President, and I will be meeting the rest of this month to finalize the tactical plan for the section as well as taking some personal time to enjoy the last few weeks of summer before we get really involved with all the exciting SWE programming Minnesota has to offer.

- Angela

VP Report - August 2010


Wow! It’s August already! Hope everyone’s summers have been full of weekends at the cabins, outdoor BBQs and lots of fun in the sun! SWE-MN has had a nice break for the summer although we still kept busy submitting section awards, transitioning to the new EC, and planning the upcoming fiscal year.

As VP this year, I look forward to seeing many of you at our Open House, our fall Outreach Signature Event, Girl Scout Patch Day, as well as Networking Nights and PD events. I am also looking forward to continuing to support the Outreach Committee as they plan and organize events throughout the metro.

For all current or new members of SWE-MN, I thought it would be a good idea to share with all of you how to get involved and know all the happenings of SWE!
As always, if you have any questions regarding any of these links or more, feel free to contact me at


Professional Development - SWE Open House! - August 2010


SWE-MN September Open House

On Monday, August 30, 2010, Boston Scientific in Maple Grove will be hosting the kick-off event for the new fiscal year – the Annual SWE-MN Open House! The Open House is an event to inform new and old SWE-MN members and friends about the exciting events and volunteer opportunities for the upcoming year.

The event will include dinner provided by Boston Scientific, information about some of SWE Minnesota’s plans for FY11 and booths for the different committees in SWE-MN. The committee booths will allow new, old, and perspective members to learn about the things each of the SWE-MN committees does and see if one of them is a good fit.

The best part of the event is that it is free! Please join us for the SWE-MN kick-off event to network with other women in Engineering and learn about how you can be a part of a wonderful group.

Event Details:

Date: Monday, August 30th
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Boston Scientific, Maple Grove
Cost: Free!! Dinner is provided by Boston Scientific.
RSVP: Please email by Monday, August 23rd
(If you need a vegetarian or gluten-free meal, please include that in your RSVP.)
Questions: Contact Jacalyn or Katrina at

Members News - August 2010


Membership Renewal:

Thanks to the many who renewed membership in June before the SWE Fiscal Year ended on June 30 and a reminder that the FY ended June 30--please renew! Click HERE to renew or join SWE!

Why should I become (or remain) a SWE member?
Great question! The SWE community is an awesome vehicle to advance your career, achieve personal and professional recognition, and give back to your community through outreach programs.

There so many programs and partnerships available at both the local and national level, ranging from professional development, to career services, to simply meeting friendly new people!

Here are some membership benefit highlights:

• Professional Development: Meetings, Conferences, and more
• Networking
• K-12 Outreach: SWE-MN has excellent Outreach Programs!
• Leadership Training and Experience
• Gender-specific Management Tools
• Role Models and Mentors
• Award-winning SWE Magazine

And the list goes on and on. SWE really is one of the most dynamic and respected engineering/technical societies in the world.

What does it mean to be a SWE member? This question is a little harder, as it means different things to different people. For me, being a SWE member simply means being part of a positive community of like-minded women.
At SWE-MN, we would like to dig deeper here to find out what SWE membership means to you and how we can better serve all of our members’ needs and desires. Watch your e-mail box for a survey in the near future to work on this area!

SWE-MN will be hosting a variety of networking events and meetings for you to meet and greet lots of our fantastic members. Look to the newsletter and weekly announcements for more details. Hope to see you at the Open House in August!

Fund Development - August 2010


Your company can help SWE-MN provide programs for our members and community activities to promote engineering to students of all ages. Any size donation is welcome and there are a variety of sponsorship opportunities available, including Speaker events, Industry tours, Outreach activities and Scholarship awards.
Please contact Melissa Kaufman at for more information!

See our Sponsors section for more information on current sponsors, and go to the Sponsorhip Level section of our website to see the benefits of being a sponsor!

Outreach Update and Welcome - August 2010


Amanda Porter…

Having only been a member of SWE for one year, I'm both surprised and excited to be co-chair of the Outreach Committee. Of course, I was in SWE during my college years (seems like eons ago) but at the time, I was more interested in completing school and then finding a job, and didn't manage to be involved in sharing the joys of engineering. Working with the girls at Girl Scout Patch Day and WOW, That’s Engineering was such fun in FY10 that I can hardly wait for the events in FY11. I now understand the need for encouragement with girls in science and math and of course engineering.

We have been transitioning the responsibilities for the Outreach Committee and I have to say a BIG Thanks to Lesley and Kalyani. They have been very helpful and are really great to work with. Our next meeting is to clean out the storage locker. While it will be a lot of work, considering the ladies involved, there will be plenty of laughs.

Stay tuned for more information on our next upcoming event, Girl Scout Patch Day at the end of October.

- Amanda and Rachel

Get to Know SWE-MN - August 2010

Alyse Stofer


I joined the SWE-MN section in 1998, and have held a variety of roles throughout the Society.
I am currently serving as the Director of Membership Initiatives on the Board of Directors, and served as the Director of Regions in FY09 and FY10.
At the region level, I have served as the Region H Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Secretary. In FY04, I served as the SWE-MN President, and have also served the Minnesota Section as the Vice President, Secretary, Section Representative, Membership Chair and Awards Chair.


I received my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Iowa,
master’s degree in Biomaterials from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, and medical
device certificate from the University of St. Thomas.
I am currently employed at Medtronic as an Engineering Program Manager. I am leading product development projects in the Neuromodulation business sector in the Therapy Delivery Engineering group, which develops leads, catheters and accessories for implantable neurostimulation and infusion systems.
Additionally, I cherish the time I spend with my husband, Kevin, and young children, Lukas and
Kyra. Kevin is a math teacher, and soccer, hockey and golf coach at East Ridge High School
in Woodbury. Lukas, Kyra, and I enjoy attending Kevin’s games, as well as participating in a
variety of lessons and sports such as skating, swimming, soccer, and t-ball throughout the year.
I also enjoy baking, reading and traveling.
In July, I participated in a Navy submarine embark from Point Loma Naval Base as part of an engineering educator orientation visit, representing SWE. The photos were taken during this trip, in which I spent half a day in a nuclear submarine which went to the depth of 600 feet and about 25 miles off the coast of San Diego.