Along with 14 Minnesota professional members I attended the Region H conference at University of Michigan entitled Going Green which was personally rewarding as in my career I have taken on the role to define sustain ability in manufacturing my product line. At conference Minnesota agreed to host the Region meeting HART for FY12. The weekend was crammed full of dynamic professional development sessions and meeting up with SWE friends near and far as well as the many collegiates. I am looking forward to bringing some great speakers together to select from for our local Professional Development Spring Seminar. I hope all members will take advantage of this opportunity to register for March 12th. I also want to thank Katrina Sanders and Jacalyn St. Dennis who are working very many hours to pull together this event.
So far this year I have been given the fortune to meet with a few companies regarding how we can partner for programming. The Women in Nuclear event at Par Nuclear was a success as a very informative evening on February 10th. Be on the look out for future new partners. Also thank you to Melissa Kaufman who led a successful local SWE-MN fundraising event well attended on January 21st to ensure the future ability to continue to provide the level of programming that our membership has come to expect.
Now I am looking forward to kicking off Engineers week February 20-27 so consider coming out as a volunteer to Spark Slime Speed or Techfest or to bring a child. A thought to share from the exceptional Keynote at region conference was a challenge to us all to introduce someone to engineering and I think our SWE-MN Outreach programming is one option to meet that goal thanks to Lesley, Rachel, Amanda, and Sara.
Lastly to share with you some state of business, we are short on members to maintain our three person section representation so please encourage others to join SWE as members before the end of March. Elections are also coming up. SWE-MN has appointed the nominating committee of Nicole Danielson-Bartlet, Elizabeth Bierman, and Holli Pheil so speak with them or Lesley Wyckoff and myself if you are interested in an officer position. Also in the past, Minnesota has been under represented in ballot submissions. We have three elections as members privileged to vote in: local Minnesota, region H, and national Board. I strongly urge you all to get out and vote for National and Region contested elections especially since from Minnesota there are some familiar candidates like Alyse Stofer, Elizabeth Bierman, Holli Pheil, and Lindsey Roberts McKenzie.
In close thank you to the chairs and committees for your continued energy,
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